Yeah, that's right. Call us crazy, but we'd rather get the good stuff on sale and get the giving going so we have time left over for gift-wrapping & getting our good-cheer on! Speaking of which, I'm reading "Eat, Drink and Be Gorgeous." It's a pretty fabulous, hot-pink little guide (secret weapon, really) for the girl who wants to live well while living it up. Author, Esther Blum even answers the Q: "On those nights when I can't get it together to actually make something, what kind of prepared foods (i.e. frozen dinners) are actually good for me?" Sisters - you know that will be us for the next 6-weeks. **Just a few copies left and at 20% off the cover - what are you waiting for?!**
And, if you haven't dropped in lately, you may not have seen our super-sassy, soy-licious, delectible candles by a scent of scandal. If you're a member of our V.I.P. Event Email List (SIGN UP at: http://www.einsideout.com/events.htm) - you will have a special-order opportunity that we have never offered before. It's a great opportunity to load-up on scandalously saucy and eco-friendly faves as:
And, if you haven't dropped in lately, you may not have seen our super-sassy, soy-licious, delectible candles by a scent of scandal. If you're a member of our V.I.P. Event Email List (SIGN UP at: http://www.einsideout.com/events.htm) - you will have a special-order opportunity that we have never offered before. It's a great opportunity to load-up on scandalously saucy and eco-friendly faves as:
- BEE-OTCH (honey) The sweet aroma of honey with a fringe of bitters.
- D-CUPS (melons) A fresh combo of ripe cantaloupe and honeydew.
- BACK SEAT OF MY CAR (vanilla) A well-rounded vanilla underscored by tonka bean.
- SUGAR DADDY (brown sugar) A sweet blend of maple sugar and molasses.
- SKINNY B**** (waifer) The scrumptious aroma of a vanilla wafer cookie.
- TIGHTY WHITIES (fresh laundry) A sweet floral of jasmine and violets with a smooth woody background.
And, there's the Snoho fave: A ROLL IN THE HAY (grass), a portion of whose proceeds benefit the non-profit org, Farm Sanctuary. These candles are hot on every level.
Hurry in while the gettin' is good! -Allison O.
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