There are how many days left?! Okay, try not to break a sweat here...you can do it. Every day from here 'til Christmas, INSIDE OUT will have a super-sweet 1-day bargain in the Snohomish shop. Can't make it to our cute little town? No problem...give us a call and we'll happily take your order and ship to you at the shipper's rate - no handling fee, nothing extra.
**Please note - items are limited to stock on hand and these deals will fly the coop swiftly!**
We decided to hook you up with Santa-sized savings on all of our eco-friendly bags right off the bat. This way, you'll have something to tote your future bargains in, plus we suspect being more "green" is in your 2009 Resolutions. So, if you are going to procrastinate on Christmas shopping, we can at least help you get a jump on the New Year! (Maybe you're not a procrastinator after all.)
Our very cool eco-bags make a fabulously cute, non-wasteful giftwrap, too. (not to mention - EASY PEASY gift wrap...hello?! No tape, no cutting, no folding odd edges...no one judging your so-so skills with paper, ahem, or plastic. That remionds me, what the heck are those weird little sticky-backed bows made from anyway???)
There you have it. Our first gift to our shopping soul-mates. In return, I only ask one favor of you...pretty please...do save one of the "be green. not mean" totes for me. I absolutely adore it! (oh - and the "popcorn!" book, and the recycled glass and sterling jewelry, and...)
Happy shopping and joyful giving! -Allison
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