Oh happy joy! It's a New Year! New possibilities - new lists of things we will accomplish this year! I am excited to meet with my friends from Bee Bops & Lollipops (http://www.beebopsandlollipops.com/) to hatch plans for super-special events, workshops and buying excursions. We sure do have a lot of fun and can't wait to share the goodness we have in store.
For starters, Inside Out made a resolution to not only continue our eco-conscious ways, but to be as green as we possibly can be, and help our friends navigate this new greener-consciousness that we are thrilled to see everywhere.
But, hey...anyone else wish someone would just make the whole kitchen composting thing A LOT easier?! (We sure do.) So, we are on it!
Don't you love the look of a rain chain, but the significant other only cares about function? (This year, we'll explain how your rain chain can be a beautiful, functional and a very "green" way, we don't just mean the way the copper turns verdegris..., to harvest water run-off or filter run-off through a rain garden. My, how Pacific Northwest and eco-savvy of you!
And, this February, if you've already responsibly recycled all of your ex-luvahs, dahhhling, we'll share 14-ways to show the love for Valentine's Day. **HINT** We are pretty generous with the love at Inside Out: we love our friends, family, customers and pets, we love our piece of the planet, we love shopping, we love outfitting the perfect kitchen/guest room/gift-closet, we love sharing what we learn and we kinda love to blog, too.
March is literacy month. We are all over a good book! Besides, we gotta represent when we are within mere blocks of The Snohomish Library, named one of the Nations TOP 10 Libraries by Nancy Pearl in USA Today (see our related braggy-blog about our fave book-building!). Plus, this year, when you buy a book at Inside Out, we'll help make sure a tree is planted to make your reading a sustainably harvested habit.
That's certainly not ALL we are working on, so stay-tuned, follow our little bloggity-blog or Twitter page(www.twitter.com/einsideout), and get ready to fill your calendars with fun! That reminds me - our very sustainably produced 2009 calendars are a whopping 1/2-off while they last.
Thanks for a great 2008! Cheers to a spectacular and memorable 2009! See you soon...
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